Age 5- 5 1/2
Course Length: 9 weeks
That Twinkle in your child's eye. Let your child explore creativity, grow their imagination and hone in all that positive energy. Explore what Musical Theatre is all about through acting, dancing and singing. Learn performing arts games and have fun with newly found friends.

Shine Brights
1 to 4
Age 6 - 12
Course Length: 12 weeks
Learn structured and unique styles of choreography, projection, timing, pitch and tone, develop body posturing, improv, and connect with the audience in all three disciplines. Range of classes are at a reduced size for optimum learning, divided according to age and peer groups. Make long lasting memorable friendships.

Shooting Stars
Age 5 1/2 - 6
Course Length: 10 weeks
Next step up! Don't have to be a skilled reader just yet. Spend more time memorizing songs dance routines and acting skills. Learn new communication skills, personal body space and teamwork. Awareness of basic choreography, timing and movement. Have fun!

Company Stars
Age 13 - 16
Course Length: 12 weeks
Young adults build upon their self-confidence and creativity. Explore new comfort zones not yet discovered. Writing scripts, editing, stage management, vocals, harmony and new dance skills. Challenge your ideas, take on solos, duets, trios and build strong relationships .
Term details and performances

Term Details
Fall Term
This term is a foundational term which gives every student the experience to personally SHINE BRIGHT. Students develop new skills and review old challenges in a positive environment. In our program students have an opportunity to showcase their achievements and broaden their growth.
Winter Term
During Winter Term we present an event to support and raise funds for a local charity. Students learn all three disciplines in one venue this term; Song, Dance and Drama. Students build on the foundation of skills learned in Fall Term and demonstrate skills they have learned in a live theatre event uniting North & Central Langley schools together. In addition, students learn, to be responsible citizens while raising funds and helping people in the community we live in. Past events Langley has supported 'Kidsafe' in the Lower Mainland, and the 'Langley Youth Hub'. Parents, Students and Community love this event. It bonds us together and raises funds for a great cause .
Spring Term
Spring Term we Implement growth for our students in Musical Theatre through Vignettes and Productions. Here we showcase students allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge, confidence and what it takes to WOW audiences.North & Central Schools perform together at this final performance for the year.
Summer Saturday Term
Summer term we continue to grow our students skills.We offer opportunities in groups, play theatre games, do some script writing, and review what skills were developed over the last year.
Students commitment, work ethic, talent, and passion throughout the year will delight friends and family during our performances. At Shine Bright Musical Theatre School, we provide diverse performances in some of the Fraser Valley's top theatres. Themes and Content of each term change to keep the learning knowledge fresh, new and inspiring.Students perform to audiences up to 800 people, giving students an opportunity to present all their hard work which results in a real crowd-pleaser. Performances are usually held on last day of classes of term at a venue of our choosing based on availability.We have performed at venues such as Church In the Valley, The Chief Sepass Theatre, and other Fraser Valley theatres .
* Theatre performances usually are ticketed, however prices are kept minimal to cover theatre costs only. Proceeds of major performances and events are donated to a charity selected by us.*
See what's coming up!